Ready to Roll

Ready to Roll

It’s been a while since we’ve had any news to share; However, we wanted to take a moment to let you know what we’ve been up to.

Like most apparel companies that serve athletes, the pandemic really put a damper on our plans throughout 2020 and 2021.   With workplace restrictions in place and periods of government mandated lock-downs, there was a period of time where we weren’t sure if we could continue to keep our doors open.  Although its been challenging, we’ve done our best to stay focused and dedicated to our mission. This is, of course, not without your continued support.

Even while the majority of the nation has had restrictions in place, or mandatory closures of event centers and bowling alleys, you’ve continued to place orders and have kept us busy. Your continued support means the world to us, and as long as bowlers still need jerseys we’ll continue to do our best to serve you with the quality apparel and service that you deserve. We’ve got an exciting new jersey builder on our site and are excited for you all to try it out.  Although the pandemic isn’t quite over yet, we’re staying positive that its only a matter of time before the nation is ready to roll again. So when you’re ready to roll, Jersey Alley is ready to serve. Thanks again for your continued support.

From Everyone at Jersey Alley,

Thank you!

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